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Trikone Atlanta is committed to a non-hierarchical organization and fully participatory decision-making processes. The following committees constitute its structure. Each committee may comprise of various members and is managed by a "coordinator." The decision process is usually based on a majority when consensus is not possible:

- Steering Committee

- Welcoming Committee

- Events Committee

- Outreach Committee

- Website Committee

- Budgeting Committee


Steering Committee

- The purpose of the Steering Committee is to coordinate and centralize the efforts of all the sub-committees.

- The Committee consists of the Steering Committee Coordinator and each of the coordinators of the other committees.

- The Committee meets on the 3rd Saturday of January, April, July, and October, from 2-5 p.m.

- The following by-laws apply to the members of the Steering Committee, also known as Committee Coordinators:

* the Coordinator shall be an active member of Trikone who identifies as both South Asian and GLBTQ, and lives in the SouthEastern U.S.

* the Coordinator shall serve a term of 18 months, beginning in January 2004.

* the Coordinator shall be responsible for representing his/her Committee's members and reporting the appropriate information from the Steering Committee meetings to the Committee's members.

* the Coordinator shall not miss two consecutive Steering Committee meetings without sending a representative from his/her Committee. In the case that this occurs, the Steering Committee shall have the right to choose a replacement for the absent Committee Coordinator.

* retiring Committee Coordinators shall nominate a replacement for themselves. That failing, the remaining Steering Committee members shall chose a replacement for the retiring member.

Welcoming Committee

- The purpose of the Welcoming Committee is to present Trikone's purpose in a clear way to new folks and make those people feel at home in our group.

Events Committee

- The purpose of the Events Committee is to organize the social events, including the monthly potluck, discussions, fundraising etc.

Outreach Committee

- The purpose of the Outreach Committee is to provide Trikone members the opportunity to take up space in and interact with communities outside of Trikone.

- The Outreach Committee is responsible for providing guidelines for what kinds of issues and movements Trikone will support, who can speak for Trikone Atlanta, and what can be said on behalf of Trikone Atlanta.

- The Outreach Committee is responsible for organizing the events around Pride, as well as any other events that involve people outside of Trikone Atlanta.

- We encourage members to offer suggestions for outreach opportunities even if you are not on the Outreach Committee.

Website Committee

- The purpose of the Website Committee is to provide a web presence and central repository for information about Trikone Atlanta. The Website Committee is also responsible for maintaining Trikone Atlanta's listserv(s).

Budgeting Committee

- The Budgeting Committee is responsible for creating a budget for Trikone Atlanta and keeping track of Trikone Atlanta's money.

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