Steering Committee
- The purpose of the Steering Committee is to coordinate and centralize the efforts of all the sub-committees.
- The Committee consists of the Steering Committee Coordinator and each of the coordinators of the other committees.
- The Committee meets on the 3rd Saturday of January, April, July, and October, from 2-5 p.m.
- The following by-laws apply to the members of the Steering Committee, also known as Committee Coordinators:
* the Coordinator shall be an active member of Trikone who identifies as both South Asian and GLBTQ, and lives in the SouthEastern U.S.
* the Coordinator shall serve a term of 18 months, beginning in January 2004.
* the Coordinator shall be responsible for representing his/her Committee's members and reporting the appropriate information from the Steering Committee meetings to the Committee's members.
* the Coordinator shall not miss two consecutive Steering Committee meetings without sending a representative from his/her Committee. In the case that this occurs, the Steering Committee shall have the right to choose a replacement for the absent Committee Coordinator.
* retiring Committee Coordinators shall nominate a replacement for themselves. That failing, the remaining Steering Committee members shall chose a replacement for the retiring member.